Family Portraits With Leah Islinger Photography, Available In Appleton & Throughout Fox Valley, WI

| Helpful Hints For Your Family Session |
* For clothing I always recommend coordinating your colors but you don't need to be super matchy.
* Don't forget your shoes! I do not expect shoes, especially the kiddos, to be ultra-clean but if they have muddy bottoms try your best to knock some out so that in sitting poses they don't call too much attention to themselves.
* I get asked a lot about colors that photograph best and my answer is always to try to avoid neon colors and shirts with super tiny pinstripes such as men's dress shirts....both of these tend to photograph poorly.
* I have many outdoor locations that I use. I am familiar with their light and how they look per season but I am always willing to check out new places if you have any ideas in mind. When I look at a location I plan for which way you will need to be facing at that particular time of day - so while you might love a certain pretty bridge I have to take into consideration whether or not you can be posed with it in view per the direction of the light - this is where you have to trust me ;)
* Since my family sessions are outdoors I schedule my sessions for late afternoons/early evenings depending on the season or time of year. The best, most flattering light is in the few hours before the sun sets...I do not schedule sessions in the middle of the day for this reason.
* If you have little ones it is understandable that you might be worried about having a session later in the day but keep in mind it is just ONE day and with a little nap time adjustment there is typically no issue.
* Packing certain items if you have kiddos such as Kleenex, wet wipes, unmessy snacks & water are all great ideas.